There will more reduction videos. American English pronunciation is based on stress and reduction patterns. It’s interesting to see how this works in English.
Your writing style is cool and I have learned several just right stuff here. I can see how much effort you’ve poured in to come up with such informative posts. If you need more input about Thai-Massage, feel free to check out my website at FQ6
Great. I think I’ll learn a lot.
Best wishes
Thank you, Elke.
There will more reduction videos. American English pronunciation is based on stress and reduction patterns. It’s interesting to see how this works in English.
Thank you! I like your lessons. Excuse me for asking do you speak russian?
Да, Лариса, я говорю по-русски. Почему ты спрашиваешь?
Your writing style is cool and I have learned several just right stuff here. I can see how much effort you’ve poured in to come up with such informative posts. If you need more input about Thai-Massage, feel free to check out my website at FQ6