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photo of Eva EastonI have a treat for you: an updated version of this 20-year-old site.

Video lessons & Audio quizzes

Audio Quizzes
Word Final -ED
Word Final -S
Wonder Words

Consonant Sounds
Voiceless /s/ - /ʃ/ - /k/


How do pronounce written C?

c + e, i, y = /s/ c + consonant = /k/
ce: dance, once, cent, face, recede, cereal
ci: office, advice, racing, civil, Francis
cy: icy, cynic
racket, bucket
class, climb
crazy, cream, crooked
-cian, -cial, -cius, -cious = /sh/ c + a, o, u = /k/
Grecian, academician
facial, special
Confucius, atrocious
ca: carrot
co: recount, cooperate, couple
cu: cut