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photo of Eva EastonI have a treat for you: an updated version of this 20-year-old site.

Video lessons & Audio quizzes

Audio Quizzes
Word Final -ED
Word Final -S
Wonder Words

Consonant Sound
Voiced r
= /ər/

Sound-Spelling Pattern


Pronounced the Same
Different Spelling
Different Meaning

1-syllable words

birth berth
earn urn
fur fir for unstressed for
heard herd
purr per

2-syllable words

air heir
fair fare
hair hare
stair stare
bare bear
there they're their
where wear ware
beer bier
deer dear
hear here
hire higher
liar lyre
ore oar or
fore four for
bore boar
bored board
horse hoarse
course coarse
you're your
our hour

special attention
corps core
war wore
colonel military rank kernel of corn