The verb ‘go’ refers to movement away
from the speaker or listener to another place.
What preposition or article do we use after the verb ‘go’?
0, to, to a/the

Now it’s your turn.
Fill in the blank with the correct form.
Many times in my childhood
We traveled so far
By nightfall how weary I’d grown
Father’s arms would slip around me and He’d gently he’d say
My child we are going home
Going home, I’m going home
There is nothing that can hold me here
Well, I’ve caught a glimpse of that Heavenly land
Praise God, I am going home
Now the twilight is fading, the day soon shall end
I get homesick, the farther I roam
But the Father has led me each step of the way
And now He’ll lead me home
Going home, I’m goin’ home
There is nothing that can hold me here
You see, I’ve caught a glimpse of that Heavenly land
Praise God, I am going home

Thank you for the lesson!
Repeating basics of a foreign language means getting closer to the fluency!
Srecko’s quote 🙂
Useful lesson Eva. I love your lessons there are always helpful for me.
Thank you. I’m glad my lessons are useful for you.