Written ‘gh’ has no sound of its own.
It’s never pronounced as it’s written, i.e. /gh/.
Sometimes written ‘gh’ even disappears,
as in Silent GH words.
I wonder how an American pronounces…
bough … bow … bow
/baw/ … /baw/ … /bow/
The birds are sitting on the bough of a tree.
In this well-known American lullaby,
a baby in a cradle is hanging from the bough of a tree.
The bow is the front of a ship.
bow … bowing
/baw/ … /ˈba–wɪŋ/
Actors take a bow when the audience applauds them.
Click on the picture and you can see Dracula bowing.
bow wow
When American dogs bark, they say “Bow wow.”
She has a pink bow in her hair.
bow tie
The boy is wearing a bow tie and suspenders.
Do you want to learn to tie the perfect bow? [link]
bow and arrow
Cupid has a bow and arrow.
We need a bow to play a violin.
We don’t use a bow to play the guitar.

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