Silent o: sophomore Sunday, June 26, 2022 by Eva Easton 4 Comments PracticeWhat do we call students inhigh school & college? 1. person who has finished college is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior a high school graduate a college graduate 2. student in the 4th year of college is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 3. student in the 1st year of high school is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 4. student in the 2nd year of college is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 5. student in the 4th year of high school is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 6. student in the 3rd year of college is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 7. student in the 3rd year of high school is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 8. A student in the 1st year of college is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior 9. person who has finished high school is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior a high school graduate a college graduate 10. student in the 2nd year of high school is called ________. a freshman a sophomore a junior a senior Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up Related Lessons: /a//ow/ [part 1]…[part 2]…[practice /a-ow/]/aw/ [part 1]…[part 2]…[practice /a-ow-aw/]/ɔ//ʌ//ʊ/silent o/ɚ//ə/ schwa