R: iron Thursday, December 31, 2020 by Eva Easton Leave a Comment R is the king of consonants.It can make vowels disappear.In this video, you can learn the secret of the word iron. Now it’s your turn.Answer each question. 1. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-04.mp3The house has an elegant _______ gate. wrought-iron cast-iron 2. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-11.mp3How many syllables does the word "iron" have? 2 syllables 1 syllable 3. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-09.mp3Where is the Flat Iron Building? New York City Miami, Florida 4. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-08.mp3Idiom: Slow down. You have too many irons in the _______. fire cast-iron stove 5. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-06.mp3The man can eat anything and never has stomach problems. He has a wrought-iron stomach. He has a cast-iron stomach. 6. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-07.mp3Idiom: Strike while the iron is _______. hot ready 7. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-chocolate.mp3Which kind of chocolate is a good source of iron? dark chocolate milk chocolate 8. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-10.mp3What kind of person uses a waffle iron? a hairdresser a cook 9. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-12.mp3How do we divide the word "iron" in pronunciation? i-ron ir-on 10. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-05.mp3The cook uses _______ pans to cook on a _______ stove. wrought-iron cast-iron 11. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-033.mp3What kind of person uses a curling iron regularly? a hairdresser a cook 12. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-02-laundry.mp3What is a thing you can find in a laundry room? an ironing board a waffle iron a curling iron Time's up The Secret of R: 1-syllable wordsunstressed r = /ɚ/ (part 1)unstressed r = /ɚ/ (part 2)consonant clustersdisappearing vowelsmy classroom worksheets at the bottom of this page