Rise and Shine
Time to practice word final -s.
What is your morning routine?
And now it’s your turn.
Here’s your audio pronunciation quiz.
How do you pronounce word final -s?
Step 1: /Iz/
Step 2: /s/ or /z/
Notice how difficult it is to hear the difference
between /s/ and /z/ at the end of a word that is not linked.
Linking Patterns:
- pattern 1: consonant sound + vowel sound
- pattern 1: word final -ed /dId/ + vowel sound
- pattern 1: word final /s, z, Iz/ + vowel sound
- pattern 2: vowel sound /y, w/ + vowel sound
- pattern 3: consonant + same consonant
- pattern 4: t + y = /t͡ʃ/
- pattern 5: d + y = /d͡ʒ/