wonder word: etc. Saturday, November 23, 2019 by Eva Easton Leave a Comment I Wonder how an American pronounces the abbreviation … etc. The abbreviation etc. has a full spelling … And now it’s your turn.Here’s your audio pronunciation quiz.the secret of etc. 1. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/etc-syllable.mp3Which syllable do we stress? (say stronger, longer, higher) 1st ... et 3rd ... er 2nd ... cet 4th ... a 2. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/etc-writing.mp3What form do we usually see in writing? etc. et cetera etcetera 3. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/etc-full-spelling.mp3What is the full spelling of "etc."? etc. etcetera 4. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/etc-meaning.mp3What does "etc." mean? + other similar things + something I forgot to say 5. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/etc-speak.mp3How do we say it when we speak? abbreviation: etc. full form: etcetera 6. https://www.evaeaston.com/wp-content/uploads/etc-full-abbrev.mp3What do we find the abbreviation "etc."? at the beginning of a list of things at the end of a list of things Time's up Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.