to be used to (routine, habit) Saturday, July 22, 2023 by Eva Easton 7 Comments used to (past tense) or be used to (routine, habit)links to 4 videos at bottom of page 1. Before, I used to _______ in New York. live living 2. Two years ago, we moved to Florida. I am now used to _______ here. live living 3. Here in Florida, I am used to _______ my bike to the pool in only 5 minutes. ride riding 4. Here is Florida, we're used to _______ tourists taking pictures of our alligators. see seeing 5. On my bike ride in the morning, I am used to _______ people walking their dogs. see seeing 6. In New York, I never used to _______ people walking their dogs early in the morning. see seeing 7. Before moving to Florida, I wasn't used to _______ alligators in my neighborhood. seeing see 8. In New York, I used to _______ 30 minutes to the swimming pool. drive driving 9. In New York, I used to _______ 3 days a week. Here in Florida, I go swimming every day. swimming swim 10. In New York, we were used to _______ skunks, squirrels and, chipmunks. see seeing Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up Videos1. used to (past)2. be used to3. get used to4. use (noun or verb)