Let’s check the practice sentences from last week.
Where is the linking?
1. Go for a drive. [for a = fo ra]
2. Take a long nap. [take a = ta ka]
3. Work on a website. [work on a = wor ka na]
4. Read a good book. [read a = rea da]
And now we want to practice linking with the contraction: it’s + a.
We use the same linking pattern as in lesson #1 :
consonant sound + vowel sound.
First, read the sentences below. Where do we link?
Here are 4 sentences to say that something is easy to do.
1. It’s a breeze.
2. It’s a walk in the park.
3. It’s a snap.
4. It’s a piece of cake.
Now listen to how I say them with linking.
1. It’s a breeze.= it sa breeze
2. It’s a walk in the park. = it sa wa kin the park
3. It’s a snap. = it sa snap
4. It’s a piece of cake. = it sa piece a cake
You don’t hear: /ə/
You hear: /sə/
You don’t hear: it’s a
You hear: it sa /It – sə/
Here are the 4 sentences in Prator & Robinett transcription.
1. /It – sə – briyz/
2. /It – sə – wɔ – kIn – ðə – pa – ɚk/
3. /It – sə – snæp/
4. /It – sə – piy – sə – keyk/
Related Lessons:
Linking Patterns:
- pattern 1: consonant sound + vowel sound
- pattern 1: word final -ed /dId/ + vowel sound
- pattern 1: word final /s, z, Iz/ + vowel sound
- pattern 2: vowel sound /y, w/ + vowel sound
- pattern 3: consonant + same consonant
- pattern 4: t + y = /t͡ʃ/
- pattern 5: d + y = /d͡ʒ/
Word Final -ED

it’s hard. goodbye
i can’t understand linking please guide me in details